Why Did “The Little Couple” Get Divorced?

TLC’s reality show called The Little Couple had been running for a long time. Millions of fans loved it when it stopped and asked why did The Little Couple get divorced? Some people can’t even stop talking about this show because they are emotionally hooked. Everyone assumed they got a divorce but did they?

In the show, the lives of Bill Klein and Jennifer Arnold have become the main attraction. Their relationships have sparked many discussions and got people to love them. This couple has been raising awareness about skeletal dysplasia and taught many people about how this disorder is being treated by society.

However, it’s been a while since we last saw “The Little Couple” on television. So it’s natural that people have been asking about how they are doing. Especially after the shocking news regarding Bill and Jennifer’s marriage, family, and health. Keep reading if you want to learn more about them.

Did the “Little Couple” really get divorced?

why did the little couple get a divorce

There are rumors regarding Bill and Jennifer’s marriage. The most popular one is about how their marriage had ended in a divorce. The long hiatus of The Little Couple after the 14th season’s finale has enforced this rumor. Apparently, some people have linked the absence of the show to the divorce. Many people also believe this rumor on the internet.

If you are worried about Bill and Jennifer’s marriage, you can rest easy now. We’ll have you know that the couple is still married to each other. They are still together, and their marriage seems to be as strong as ever.

It is still unknown who started the rumors of their separation. Even weirder that the couple has been sharing their pictures on social media. You can find many pictures of them being together. They also have shared many stories as a couple. We can confidently say that Bill and Jennifer will stay married to each other.

Did Bill and Jennifer sue the network?

Another big worry is related to the relationship between Bill and Jennifer and the network. Apparently, they have filed against Discovery Communications due to some issues in the past. The issues date back to 2016 when LMNO Cable Group sued Discovery Communications for fraud.

LMNO claimed that the network has falsified records to hide the fact that Discovery Communications have been embezzling money and hi-jacking The Little Couple from them. Although the two companies eventually came to a settlement, Bill and Jen weren’t satisfied with the outcome.

In 2017, Bill and Jen filed their own lawsuit against LMNO for breach of contract, fraud, and unfair competition. According to the court papers, Bill and Jen felt they were entitled to a portion of LMNO’s contingent compensation from The Little People.

However, the case was dismissed in 2020 after Bill and Jen came to an out-of-court settlement for an undisclosed amount. This outcome has led people to believe that the lawsuit was the main reason why The Little People are no longer on air.

There is an argument that goes against the rumor, however. The fact that the dispute was started long before the show’s hiatus, and the fact that the show was running normally, means the lawsuit didn’t affect anything. So despite legal problems, The Little People didn’t get affected or even axed by them.

So what happened to the show?

At the end of the day, it is common for a show to suddenly get canceled due to various reasons. The Little People’s popularity couldn’t escape this fact despite its popularity.

So it’s not surprising that the fans are worrying about the future of the show. Many questions are being asked if The Little Couple will ever make a comeback or not. The finale of the 14th season in late 2019 was really loved by the fans, too.

Following the finale, people were shocked that the show was going into hiatus. The last season was well received, and the couple seems to be doing well, so a new season is entirely possible. However, as mentioned above, the couple’s lawsuit against Discovery only made the situation worse.

However, a piece of good news has become public from Jennifer. In December 2021, Jennifer revealed on Instagram that ‘exciting things are going to happen soon. Many people believe that she was talking about The Little People making a comeback.

We know that Jennifer was being cryptic, and she could be talking about anything else but the show. But it would make sense for the show to air again, considering everything is looking good so far – the legal battles are over, and the couple is living a happy life. Furthermore, TLC has never officially announced that The Little Couple has ended.

Was Bill in an accident?

Due to the nature of their conditions, Bill and Jennifer’s health has always been in the spotlight. That’s why people were so worried when Bill was involved in an accident back in 2021. On Instagram, Bill confessed that he was trying to flee from a swarm of wasps. He also shared a picture of his radiography on Instagram.

Bill said on his page that he fell to the pavement and injured his elbow. He then explained that his legs were not supposed to move that fast, and that’s why he fell down. This is not the first time that Bill injured himself like this. He had broken his elbow before when he crashed his bike as a kid.

His elbow was looking pretty bad. Furthermore, Bill said that he had to go back to the doctor because his elbow couldn’t heal right even after a month. By October, he had gone through six procedures and four surgeries before his elbow finally fully healed.

Bill hasn’t said anything regarding his elbow since then. But he evidently looked fine based on the pictures he shared in December 2021 on Instagram.

Were Bill and Jenn in another show?

If you’re a new fan of The Little Couple, you might not know that Bill and Jenn had appeared in another show before. The couple actually made their first appearance on TV in the one-hour documentary titled Little People: Just Married. The documentary premiered in 2009 and is also on TLC.

In the documentary, you can see how Bill and Jen live their lives in New York and Texas as newlyweds. Not only did they have to overcome their health issues, but they also had to deal with a long-distance relationship. Furthermore, you can also see how hard Jenn tried to finish her Master of Medical Education and how Bill struggled with managing his business alone.

The documentary received a good rating. To the point that TLC went ahead with the production of The Little Couple.

the little couple divorced recently?

After their appearance on The Little Couple, Bill and Jenn appeared on various talk shows. They appeared in The Dr. Oz Show and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. It is clear since then that Bill and Jen’s fame has made them widely known.

Bill and Jen’s health

Ever since Bill and Jen’s first appearance on The Little Couple in 2009, they have been showing everyone what it feels like to feel with skeletal dysplasia. And how important relationships, mutual respect, and a good marriage are.

Among many things that the couple has shown us, perhaps, the most memorable thing is the importance of health. Bill and Jen have to live with their serious condition, enduring many health issues. But despite their issues, they just keep powering through and thriving. They simply don’t let their health issues stop them from doing what they love.

Other people, especially those who are dealing with a similar situation, look up to Bill and Jen. The couple has been handling their condition since birth, including dealing with multiple surgeries so they can avoid using wheelchairs.

Bill and Jen’s health

Now here they are; Bill and Jen are a star couple that many people love. Bill is also an entrepreneur and businessman, while Jen is a neonatologist who worked at the Texas Children’s hospital for several years.

Both Bill and Jen have to use some aid tool from time to time. Tools like pedal extenders to drive, for example, have helped them a lot. They really don’t want anything to prevent them from doing what they love. Be it through aid tools or willpower, and they will get things done.

They also have said that just because they have to use some aid tools or things like that, they don’t really mind it. Bill and Jen believe that the results of their hard work are worth the effort.

The couple’s business

Bill and Jen are not satisfied with only having successful careers. The couple decided that they wanted to run their own business. In 2012, they founded Rocky & Maggie, a physical and online boutique that also serves as a salon for pets and a wellness center.

Rocky & Maggie is more than just a business for the couple. It is a dream come true. According to Bill in his old blog post, his best memories growing up are always related to his pets. He was reminiscing the times when his dog accompanied him until midnight, when he was recovering from his leg surgery. Also, the times when he woke up in the morning and found his dog sleeping on his cast.

Bill also said that his relationship with Jennifer is also tied to pets. The couple adopted a dog named Belle in New York and another dog named Rocky in Florida. However, they had to give the dog to Bill’s mother because the couple is traveling a lot and the dog is too big to travel with them.

Later on, Bill and Jen adopted Maggies; now you know the origin of the name Rocky & Maggie. These dogs were the inspiration for the couple to build the boutique. Their boutique is still thriving and getting a lot of customers to this day.

Bill and Jen business

Adopting kids

Bill and Jen have always wanted kids, but it seems like the couple is having a hard time conceiving. Jen has said before that due to her dwarfism, she might not be able to get pregnant. The couple has been trying a surrogate pregnancy, but it resulted in two miscarriages which left them with little hope.

Bill and Jen don’t want to give up despite this problem. Jen is open to adopting kids from rainbowkids.com, a site where people can adopt kids with health problems and special needs. From the site, the couple found William, a Chinese boy with dwarfism. They adopted him in 2013 and said that they became attached instantly to William when they saw him for the first time.

Only three months after they adopted William, the couple adopted Zoey. Zoe also has dwarfism, and she originated from a foster home in India. The couple said that adopting Zoey was a long and hard process.

Bill and Jen's kids

After adopting Zoey, their lives weren’t exactly easy. Zoey had a difficult time adapting to her new family. She also went through speech therapy. William, on the other hand, had to go through several surgeries and has difficulty hearing. Fortunately, both kids are now in good health, and their social skills are getting better every day.

Jennifer’s cancer

In 2013, Jennifer was going through one of the toughest moments of her life. During that time, she was dealing with cancer. Before being diagnosed with cancer, Jennifer felt some problems with her body. It was when she was in India trying to adopt Zoey, and all of a sudden, she started bleeding.

After that incident, Jen was rushed back to the US, leaving Bill alone to complete the adoption process. In the US, Jen had been diagnosed with stage three choriocarcinoma, a type of cancer that was caused by the miscarriage she suffered in 2013.

The doctor explained that Jen is suffering from a rare condition that is originated in the placenta cells that weren’t developed after the miscarriage. Jen’s body wasn’t able to react properly to the chemotherapy, so she had to go through surgery.

Jen made a little joke about her situation, saying that the one time she got pregnant, she got cancer, too. That made people worried for her life. Fortunately, Jen’s treatment went smoothly and was finished by February 2014. She went into remission after that.

Despite her jokes and strong demeanor, Jen sometimes voiced her worries. She said before that sometimes the fatigue and nausea were too much. And some days felt like she couldn’t even move her hands and feet. You can see this period of her life through the seventh season of The Little Couple.

What is Jen and Bill’s religion?

This part of Jen and Bill was never disclosed. The couple has never shared anything regarding religion. However, we have seen in The Little Couple that the couple had baptized their children in the Catholic faith.

Jen and Bill's religion

This led people to believe that Jen and Bill were Catholic. At the same time, religion is not a topic that is often covered in the show and by Bill and Jen.

Why did they move away from Texas?

In The Little Couple, we can see that Bill and Jen like their lives in Texas. They bought their dream house in Texas, too. However, the couple decided to move away from Texas to Florida, leaving people wondering why.

It turned out that the main reason for the move was because Bill got a job offer in Florida that he couldn’t refuse. But things were starting to pick up the moment Jen’s family in Florida offered their support to make them get used to their new lives.
