Although Easter is the most important of the Christian holidays, it’s often overlooked, while Christmas is prioritized. The excitement of presents often means that kids and adults alike are more excited for Christmas to arrive than Easter.
That said, there are many exciting things presented by Easter. From the notion of the Easter Bunny to the abundance of chocolate eggs, Easter is a great time to get involved in fun activities. Despite this, some parents just don’t know how they can honour the Christian festival of Easter and get their kids on board. Listed below are some of the top Easter activity ideas.
Easter Egg Hunt
First up is an Easter Egg hunt, consisting of Easter chocolates from Edinburgh, Brussels, Cologne, or anywhere else in the world. These Easter chocolates can be placed in plastic, colorful eggs and hidden around the house or garden. You might include some fun clues as to where the eggs are or let it be a free for all.
Just make sure it’s clear that these eggs were left by the Easter Bunny to add to the magic of the day. It’s a good idea to provide your children with a basket to collect their eggs; it might even be one they’ve made themselves, which will be touched on below.
Decorate Eggs
After the classic Easter Egg hunt, decorating eggs is another popular Easter activity. In order to empty an egg without cracking it, you’ll need to pierce a hole at each end of the egg and blow the contents into a bowl. Following this, you should submerge the shell in warm soapy water to ensure it’s clean and then leave it to dry. This will present your children with a blank canvas to paint or dye to decorate the house and get into the Easter spirit.
Make Easter Baskets
Another popular Easter activity is to make Easter baskets. Present your children with a standard basket and crafting supplies for decoration. Once decorated, they can fill these baskets with goodies or even use them to collect eggs during an Easter Egg hunt.
In the decoration of these baskets, you might use the eggshells that you previously decorated. Other things that can be added to an Easter basket include games, stuffed animals, and other toys. When it comes to creativity, there are no rules, so go nuts with making your very own Easter baskets.
Make Hot Cross Buns
Hot cross buns are a popular feature of Easter, but you don’t have to go to the supermarket to get your hot cross bun fix. In fact, you can make hot cross buns at home. For those who aren’t familiar with the concept, a hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun, typically with fruit added and marked with a cross on top. Hot cross buns are typically eaten on Good Friday, so you can have a whole weekend of Easter fun. Have them all to yourselves or share them among your family and friends for a delicious Easter.
Make Easter Crafts
Arts and crafts are ideal for keeping the kids entertained, especially when they’re Easter-themed. One of the most common Easter crafts is an Easter bonnet, wherein you can provide your child with a plain straw hat on which they can stick lots of decorations. Ribbons, foam stickers, mini chicks; the possibilities are endless for creating an Easter bonnet. What’s more, the creativity doesn’t have to end there; all it takes is a quick Google search to find an endless list of fun Easter crafts. See some suggestions here.
Are you ready for Easter?