Semen, commonly known as ejaculate or cum, is essential for fertilization. This fluid, which is ejaculated from the penis during orgasm, aids in the transport of sperm to fertilize an egg. Several things influence this process, one of which is creating enough sperm to perform the task. We’ll investigate what low ejaculate volume causes and ways to increase it.
What Exactly Is Weak Ejaculation?
If you don’t ejaculate as forcefully as you used to, it’s probably because you’re getting older. Age can limit the strength and volume of your ejaculation in the same way that it weakens your muscles and affects your vision.
Every ejaculation expels sperm from your body via your penis. The procedure is divided into two stages:
- Semen (sperm-containing fluid) gathers in the urethral bulb at the base of your penis during the first stage, known as emission.
- During the second step, known as ejection, the muscles around your urethra contract, forcing the sperm out via your penis.
A malfunction in the first stage of this process can cause you to ejaculate with less sperm. An issue with the second stage can reduce the force with which sperm is released. Weak ejaculation is mostly subjective, which means it is frequently recognized by the individual. The strength of orgasm differs from man to man. Though your ejaculation may feel weaker than usual, it may not be a problem unless it interferes with your enjoyment of sex. A weaker orgasm may not be as pleasurable as a stronger one.
A more serious problem arises if you ejaculate less fluid or sperm. If you intend to have children, this can be an issue. Other typical age-related issues include difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction) and orgasm (anorgasmia).
Even with your doctor, discussing sexual issues can be difficult. However, being open about what’s going on can help you find a solution and keep your sex life from suffering due to poor ejaculation.
Many distinct elements have been recognized by doctors as potentially affecting ejaculation. Examples include the following:
As a man matures, his ejaculation may lose force and volume. Doctors frequently relate this to decreased amounts of male sex hormones.
Alcohol consumption may reduce blood flow to the penis and depress the central nervous system. As a result of these side effects, sexual excitement will be diminished.
Psychological Aspects
When compared to how they did it previously, the following psychological elements can all alter someone’s capacity to ejaculate:
- Depression In The Past
- Changes In A Partner’s Attractiveness
- Previous Psychological Trauma
Nerve Damage
Semen flow can be affected by nerve damage in the spinal cord, bladder, or other sites that affect ejaculation. Males with diabetes may be predisposed to nerve damage-induced ejaculation problems. Nerve injury can sometimes cause retrograde ejaculation. This is a condition in which some or all of the ejaculate returns to the bladder rather than exiting the penis.
Prostate Problems
Prostate enlargement and prostate cancer can both impair ejaculation. Furthermore, people who have had prostate surgery may notice changes in their ejaculation as a result of nerve damage caused by the surgery.
Sexual Aspects
The position a person takes during sex, as well as a brief period of sexual stimulation, can influence the intensity of their orgasm. These factors, in turn, can affect their ejaculation.
The remedies for weak ejaculation are determined by the underlying cause. The following are some possible treatments:
Exercises for the Pelvic Muscles
In some cases, doctors may advise patients to perform Kegel exercises or another type of pelvic muscle exercise. These workouts assist in the strengthening of the muscles that control ejaculation. They may be especially effective for anyone experiencing ejaculation problems due to natural aging.
The pelvic floor muscles are tightened and released during kegel exercises. These are the muscles that people can feel if they stop their urine flow in the middle of it. Males should tighten their muscles for 5 seconds at a time, then relax the contraction. One set of exercises is completed by repeating this technique 10 to 20 times. Males should strive to complete three or four sets every day.
There are presently no FDA-approved drugs to treat poor ejaculation. However, doctors may prescribe a variety of medicines to improve sexual performance. The type of medication prescribed by a doctor will be determined by the underlying cause of poor ejaculation.
Here are a few examples:
- amantadine
- bethanechol
- bupropion
- buspirone
- cyproheptadine
- yohimbine
- testosterone
A doctor may inquire about psychological concerns impacting a person’s sexual function.
If necessary, the doctor may refer the patient to a therapist or psychiatrist, including psychiatrists specializing in sexual medicine.
Changes in Lifestyle
According to a study, heavy alcohol use is linked to reduced sperm volume. A reasonable amount of alcohol is unlikely to impact sperm parameters; however, abstaining from alcohol regularly may boost sperm volume. Quitting smoking may also assist, as smoking reduces sperm volume.
Getting enough excellent quality sleep may also help with sperm volume. One study discovered that participants who had difficulty falling asleep had reduced sperm volume. Still, those with poor sleep quality tended to have other hazardous lifestyle practices, and additional research is needed.
Exercise and body weight may affect sperm volume. According to one study, obese men who reduced at least 12% of their body weight had increased sperm volume as well as sperm count and testosterone. The study did warn, however, that the improvements could have been due to a healthy lifestyle rather than weight loss alone. Similarly, another study found that people who exercised on a treadmill or did a combination of treadmill and resistance training for 24 weeks had increased sperm volume.
When Should You See A Doctor?
Weak ejaculation is almost seldom a medical emergency. It can, however, be highly worrying for someone who has it daily. If a person has had consistent instances of poor ejaculation for six months, he or she should consult with a doctor who can assist them in determining the underlying problem.
If a person believes that changes in their ejaculation are impacting their fertility, they should consult a doctor. If the individual and their partner have been trying to conceive for a long period, this could be the case.
Weak ejaculation is a complex condition with numerous potential causes. There are no FDA-approved medications for poor ejaculation at the moment. As a result, people may need to try a variety of therapy or ways to improve their sexual performance. Males who detect persistent alterations in their ejaculation should consult a doctor. Weak ejaculation might diminish fertility or suggest an underlying health concern in some circumstances.