There are over 13,217 households in O’Fallon, with each of these estimated to have a minimum of 3 members. There are children in about 37.38% of the total households in the city. This means that this beautiful city in Illinois has a familial feeling to it.
When it comes to spending time with the family, dipping in a hot tub is high on the list. This simple activity can help you relax and relieve your body of the stress you accumulated throughout the day. So, if you’re still considering whether to get one of the many O’Fallon, IL hot tubs in the market, we’ve just given you two reasons. However, wanting to get one and knowing the right type to purchase are two different things.
Why might this be an issue you might wonder? Well, for starters, there are different types in the market. Also, not every type will be suitable for your home.
Before you panic, we’re here to help you. In this article, we’ll discuss some common types that you can choose from. To ensure you know which one is suitable for your O’Fallon home, as we talk about each of them, we’ll reveal their pros and cons. If you’re ready, let’s get right into it…
Most folks install this tub next to a swimming pool. Unlike some of the other options on our list, if you prefer inground, you’ll need to hire the services of a professional for the installation. This is not a cheap endeavor, which makes it not suitable for anyone on a tight budget.
Although it’s expensive, you can take solace in the fact that it will last for a long time. Also, it might likely increase the beauty and value of your home. So, if you’re thinking of selling your home and would like to increase the property value before you do, installing an inground hot tub might just be one of the solutions you need.
Another advantage of this option is the fact that it’s custom-built. This means you can design it just the way you want. Therefore, there’s no need to wonder whether it’s suitable for your home or not.
Remember we said this option can be expensive. The average installation cost ranges between $12,000 to $20,000. You can visit https://www.e-architect.com/ to learn ways of cutting the costs of your hot tub installation. However, given the fact that you can choose what you want, you might not spend up to that amount if you’re trying to be prudent.
Most folks envision this when they think of hot tubs. Prefabricated or portable hot tubs aren’t necessarily portable since they are not so easy to carry. So, don’t base your decision on the name because that’s a misnomer.
There are different sizes and materials you can choose. Generally, the materials are designed to last for a long time while being energy-efficient. The average cost of these steam baths is between $4,000 to $8,500. However, with some high-end upgrades, you might end up spending more.
Rotationally Molded
This is an option that will not swallow your life-savings which makes it perfect for folks on a tight budget. You can get one between $2,500 to $6,000. While the price is affordable, it doesn’t have many upgrades. Furthermore, they aren’t energy-efficient and might not look aesthetically appealing.
Despite the above, it has an advantage over a portable hot tub in the sense that it is portable. Also, when compared to the inflatable option, you get better durability. This is thanks to its contoured-seats design.
An entry option to hot tubs, an inflatable hot tub fulfills the basics of what’s required of a steam bath. So, there are no fancy features or any of the sort. There are no jets but it can produce bubbles that work only when the heat is turned off. Thankfully, you don’t have to look for an outlet with 220/240 volts for it to work.
While you can use it outside, using it below a particular temperature is not advisable. This means that during the winter, you can’t use it outside which kind of defeats one of the reasons some folks purchase a hot tub. You can read this article to learn other ways to stay warm during winter. During those months, you just have to deflate the hot tub and keep it in storage.
Choosing a hot tub for your O’Fallon home might be difficult given the various types available to choose from. In this article, we’ve discussed four options you can choose from while revealing their pros and cons to help you make up your mind. Other honorable mentions not included in this article are the swim spa combo and the wooden hot tubs.